Church Collections
The First Collection at Mass
The first collection at mass supports the priests of the Archdiocese including retired and sick priests of the diocese. The money collected goes directly to a common fund from which all priests are paid a monthly allowance
The Second Collection at Mass
The second collection at mass unless otherwise stated is the Share collection. Share was originally set up in the 1970s to provide funding to meet the needs of new and developing parishes like St. Judes. In more recent years, however, as the need for new churches diminished, Share has been used to refurbish parish churches, build parish pastoral centers and fund the diocesan administration of central services
The share collection is replaced by 7 special collections during the year
Family Offering
Monies donated either by standing orders, weekly envelopes/ yearly cheques. This is the only collection which supports the running of the parish which includes the maintenance of Church & grounds, the running of the sacristy, parish office, music ministries, supply priests and utilities (light & heat etc.) & all other associated costs
We continue to thank you for your ongoing goodness and generosity |