St Judes Parish Church is fully wheelchair accessible and has the loop system for hard of hearing
Taxpayers who contribute over €250 a year to the parish (a designated charity RCN:20016166) can at no cost to themselves, get part of their tax returned to the parish. If you would like to participate in this scheme, please click here to get a copy of the form you need to print out, complete and return to the parish office.

Mass Times
During these times the latest information is on this site's Home Page

Miraculous Medal Novena Devotions
During 9.30am Masses on Mondays
St Jude Novena
During 9.30am Masses on Tuesdays

Parish Administration
Parish Priest: Fr. Pat McKinley, Tel: 01-4063330, Office :St Pius X's 01-4905284 or St Jude's 01-4600127
Parish Secretary: Marguerite Taylor, Parish Office 09:00am to 12:30pm. Tel: 01- 4600127
Parish Sacristan: Thomas Smith, Tel: 01-4600127
Parish Centre : Tel: 01-4600127
Parish E-mail                                              
Parish Website :
Parish Café : Tel: 087-9788706
Montessori : Tel: 01-4659697
Parish Florist : Contact Parish Office Tel: 01-4600127

Bishop Shanahan Junior NS
Principal: Ms. Noreen Healy 4508449
Bishop Galvin Senior N.S.
Principal: Mrs. Kathryn Corbett 4566652
St Mac Daras Community College
Principal: Mr. Derek Ward 4566216

Taize Group: Angela Kennedy 087 7926877 or Kay Gowran 087 2454640
Adult Choir
Organist & Musical Director: Louise Callaly 085 749 0700
Soloist: Ami Hewitt 083 4811452