St Judes Parish Church is fully wheelchair accessible and has the loop system for hard of hearing |
Taxpayers who contribute over €250 a year to the parish (a designated charity RCN:20016166) can at no cost to themselves, get part of their tax returned to the parish. If you would like to participate in this scheme, please click here to get a copy of the form you need to print out, complete and return to the parish office. |
Mass Times |
During these times the latest information is on this site's Home Page |
Miraculous Medal Novena Devotions |
During 9.30am Masses on Mondays |
St Jude Novena |
During 9.30am Masses on Tuesdays |
Parish Administration |
Parish Priest: Fr. Pat McKinley, Tel: 01-4063330, Office :St Pius X's 01-4905284 or St Jude's 01-4600127 |
Parish Secretary: Marguerite Taylor, Parish Office 09:00am to 12:30pm. Tel: 01- 4600127 |
Parish Sacristan: Thomas Smith, Tel: 01-4600127 |
Parish Centre : Tel: 01-4600127 |
Parish E-mail :stjudesparishwillington@gmail.com |
Parish Website : www.stjudesparish.net |
Parish Café : Tel: 087-9788706 |
Montessori : Tel: 01-4659697 |
Parish Florist : Contact Parish Office Tel: 01-4600127 |
Schools |
Bishop Shanahan Junior NS |
Principal: Ms. Noreen Healy 4508449 |
Bishop Galvin Senior N.S. |
Principal: Mrs. Kathryn Corbett 4566652 |
St Mac Daras Community College |
Principal: Mr. Derek Ward 4566216 |
Taize Group: Angela Kennedy 087 7926877 or Kay Gowran 087 2454640 |
Adult Choir |
Organist & Musical Director: Louise Callaly 085 749 0700 |
Soloist: Ami Hewitt 083 4811452 |