Many of you will have heard already that Fr. Brendan has on medical advice taken leave for the next month or two. We wish him a speedy recovery. We continue to pray for his health and wellbeing. Fr. Pat McKinley, PP in St Pius X, Templeogue and Vicar for the area wili assume responsibility for the parish while Fr. Brendan is sick.
Ciarán Boylan, Chairperson Parish Pastoral Council
Note from Fr. Pat (Area Vicar) Click here to read Easter Letter from Fr. Pat
I am massively aware of the recent great loss to St Judes of your parish Secretary / administrator Catherine. Catherine's loss both personally and professionally is a huge blow to the parish community. Catherines death and Fr. Brendan's illness shows us how precarious the management of our parishes can be. Along with a very committed team of parishioners we will endeavour to keep things ticking over. However, depending on resources we may have to make some changes in the short term. We will keep any changes to a
minimum and ask for your co-operation and support should they be necessary. Mass schedules for the next couple of weeks remain unchanged.
This is the issue in St Judes at this mornent in time. But the resourcing of our parishes is a huge issue across the diocese and country. We cannot simply try to continue to fill gaps. We need to be real / honest about our resources and how we can co-operate and share them more fully. Baptism is not an event but an
initiation into a way of life for which we all bear responsibility. That is the ongoing work of the Synodal process and building hope initiative in our own diocese.
We will continue to work together in the next few months to help St Judes parlsh continue to thrive into the future. But we do need to support each other in our endeavours. We need to be kind and gentle with each other and "cut our cloth". We need to pray for each other, for our parish communities and for Fr. Brendan's wellbeing and healing, And we need to look deeply at where / how the holy spirit is trying to back us at this time in this situation in this parish and area.
Fr. Pat McKinley
- Many thanks to all who have returned their Easter Dues. The envelopes can be left in safe at back of church or handed into the parish office. Your continued support is greatly appreciated
Please note that clocks spring forward on 31st March
- The Three Tenors Annual Concert: Tickets available in the Parish Office €30 each. We now
have a new date of the 19th of April at 8pm and the Concert will be in honour of Catherine and a tribute to her. Click here to view Concert Flier
Bookings for Anniversary Masses etc.
Please note that all Anniversary and Remembrance Masses can be booked through the Parish Office. Opening hours are Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9.30am – 12.30pm
- Confessions:To receive confession please call into the sacristy after mass. If anyone is housebound and would like confession please contact parish office
Trócaire Boxes can be returned to the Parish Office . And I would like to thank you and your families from the bottom of my heart for holding fast to love and justice through your generous support. Trócaire is your agency and is working on your behalf
- Our Parish shop has a range of Baptism Candles and Gifts, 1st Holy Communion cards, prayer books, rosary book etc. Confirmation cards & gifts plus lots of other books and gifts. Drop in and have a browse, open during Office Opening Hours, Monday, Wednesday and Fridays
There will be no Taize Mass on Easter Sunday, 31st March.
Our final Mass for this season is on 28th April, as usual it will be offered for all those doing exams and those supporting them
Cosy Corner Café located in our Parish Centre opening hours:Monday to Friday 9am to 2.30pm. Last orders for hot food is 2pm. Closed Saturday and Sunday. You can phone ahead to book a table for Breakfast or Lunch or for takeaway. Their number is 087 7075789. Check out their Facebook page
- Zoom Documentary Catholicism: Bayside Alpha are showing Bishop Barron’s groundbreaking 10-part documentary series, ‘Catholicism’, on Zoom with discussion afterwards in breakout rooms starting on Sunday the 7th of April at 7:30pm and continuing for 10 weeks.
To register please email Paul at alphabayside@gmail.com
Upcoming Baptism Bookings Dates : If you wish to have your child christened here in St Jude the Apostle's you need to come and request baptism with Fr Brendan you can can email: stjudesparishwillington@gmail.com to request dates and registration form. We only do dates for 3 months at a time one Saturday at 4pm and one Sunday at 1pm. The dates from now to the end of April are:Saturday 2nd March 4pm, Sunday 10th March, Sunday 7th April 1pm and Saturday 27th April 4pm. Maximum number of bookings for each date is 4. So please book as early as possible
Sincere thanks to all who continue to support Koins for Kids due to your continued donations this parish has donated the sum of €9477.95 plus lots of non euro coins and notes. No donation is too small so if you have any small change or foreign currency lying around drop them into parish office and we will pass on to Koins for Kids whose aim it is to raise 1 million euro to fund a paediatric MRI scanner for new Childrens hospital. So far amount raised is in excess of €500,000. St Jude The Apostle's are the leading donor so keep up the good work and dig out all those old coins or small euro coins every little helps.
Please help them if you can. Check them out on www.koinsforkids.ie
- Templeogue Women’s Shed has opened, meeting in the Sports Pavilion, Tymon Park, adjacent to Limekiln Road carpark, every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 10 am to 12.30. All are welcome to drop in
Toddlers World Classes running in Parish Hall Monday, Thursday & Friday mornings from 9.45 to 11am. Toddlers World is a fun interactive class for children from 6 months to 4 years. You can book a space either on their facebook page at Toddlers World or by texting Amanda @ 086 1700806
- Please refrain from leaving notes in Safe in Church or under door of sacristy requesting names to be read out. Parish Office is open Monday – Friday from 8.30am to 1pm phone 01-4600127 email: stjudesparishwillington@gmail.com
- St.Jude’s mens shed have beginners spoken irish classes on a Monday morning at 11am. All welcome. Internet help for seniors on Tuesday at 10 am, Mindfulness sessions on Tuesday mornings at 11 am 0868036703. All in St Jude's GAA clubhouse
Bethany Bereavement Support: We can offer the support of a trained listener in a safe, free, supportive place to journey with you through your grief. To speak with a volunteer please contact: tel 087 990 5299 Email: bethanybereavement1982@gmail.com
- Standing Orders – increasing amounts – Some of you have increased the amount you were donating or started new standing order but we are struggling to identify where some of the amounts are coming in from as you have not put your name in correct field. If you have increased or started a new standing order since January you might send me an email with the new amount and your name so we can allocate the correct amounts. Sincere thanks to all who continue to support the parish with your standing orders it is a great help to the upkeep of the parish and in claiming the tax back on your donations stjudesparishwillington@gmail.com
- Jigsaw Offering younger people going through a hard time, or for those worried about a young person in your life. www.jigsaw.ie
- Request for copies of Baptism, Confirmation Certificates and Letters of Freedom from 1st June in order to comply with the new GDPR requlations we are required by law to ask the person for whom the certificate relates to to request copy themselves accompanied by photo id so the easiest way is to email request to stjudesparishwillington@gmail.com and attach photo id otherwise we will have to give them a request form for you to sign and bring it back with photo id if you are asking someone to pick up certificates they must have photo id of their own as well before we can hand out paperwork
- Mass bookings:
All Mass bookings are now taken in the Parish Office if you wish to book a Mass please call into the parish office, for anniversary Masses please call into the office at least 2-3 weeks prior to anniversary to ensure that the date is available.
Bookings for Anniversary Masses – please note due to the high demand for Masses please book your anniverary mass dates in as early as possible to avoid disappointment. Mass bookings can be made now up to the end of the current year
- Cards - Cards for all occasions now available in Parish Office. Also Confirmation cards and religious objects available
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