Alter Servers
At present we have a team of eighteen altar servers here in St Jude's both boys and girls
We are always looking for new members to join our existing team.
Boys and Girls from third class and up are welcome to join
We normally look for new members during the month of October and training then takes place during November
Full training is provided usually over a four-week period for approx 1 hour a week
There is no financial cost involved as each server is provided with his or her own alb for the duration of the time they serve. (The only requirement we ask is that they must wear black or navy trousers & black shoes)
At the end of the training period we have a short commissioning ceremony for all new servers after which they are then allocated a suitable Mass time each week and along with serving at Sunday Mass they will also have the opportunity to take part in all other ceremonies in the Church especially at Christmas and Easter so if you feel you would like to join our team please get in touch with the Parish Office at 4600127 or you can email your details to judesparishoffice@eircom.net