103rd Dublin St Jude the Apostle Willington Scouting Ireland
During 1975, following a meeting with Joe McLoughlin, Colm Kincaid and Austin Dalton Fr Boland agreed to act as Sponsor enabling the group to join the Catholic Boy Scouts of Ireland. The Charter was granted in November of that year. They then negotiated with Orwell and Willington Residents Association for a loan to enable the purchase of the builders hut left on site after the building of Bishop Galvin School. They agreed to a loan of IE£150 but this was later converted into a grant.
January 1976, names were taken for the Scout Trop and Cub Pack. In February, the first troop of 20 scouts met and decided on the patrol names - Wolf, Panther, Tiger and Falcon. First Cub pack meeting of 20 cubs took place under the first Cub Leader Sheila Fahey and A/C/S/L Pauline MC Loughlin. In March the first investiture took place in the Church and the first Chaplain Fr John Greene reminded the congregation that's they were the first scouts ever in the parish of St Jude the Apostle Willington they had a responsibility to remember that what they did now would affect many generations of young people to come. Prophetic words indeed. In April of that year the first weekend camp held in Willington Stud (on the site of where St McDara's Community College now stands) took place. After three months the first regional shield in Larch Hill was most satisfactory with the trop finishing 8th out of 15 troops. In May Martin Gregory became the first Venture Group Leader. In August the first annual camp to Curracloe , Co Wexford. In September the troop expanded to 32 scouts, and the Cub Pack expanded to 36 Cubs.
April of 1977, the scouts won St Colmcilles Regional Shield - the scouts were the first group to win anything in the name of the parish. In July attended attended "Jambora" International Jamboree in Mt Melleray. In August, the first Melvin Weekend occurred - this is an All Ireland Competition and the troop have represented the region at All Ireland level 25 out of thirty times.
1978, the den burnt down and 37th Dublin gave the trop the use of White Fathers and then they moved into the school hall .Eventually Michael Maloney gave the use of basement in St Michaels House.
1979, Fr Boland offered a piece of land for a scout den at front of playing field.
1981, the Den was built and officially opened in 1982.
1984, the Beavers were started by B/S/S/ Pauline MC Loughlin, A/B/S/L/s Lily Taffe, Maire Power and Maireaad Brady.
1985, First Chief Scouts Awards to Damien Mc Loughlin and Eoin O'Shea.
1986, First Venture Explorers Belts awarded to Eileen Kent and Mary Whelan.
1999, land deal negotiated with St Laurence O'Toole Diocesan Trust and then Lido Developments.
2000, The den was extended and renovated and reopened by Chief Scout Peter Dixon.
2001, New Association SCOUTING IRELAND and new SCOUT COUNTY-MONTPELIER. Won County Shield.
2003, Provided Scouts and Leaders for Special Olympics World Games.
2004, Attended European Jamboree in Chelmsford in the Uk
More than 20 Chief Scout Awards
More than a dozen Venture Belt Awards
Winners of St Colmcilles Regional Shields several times
Winners f St Maelruams Reginal Shield several times
Winners of Montpelier Scout County Shield
Winners of Cub Quiz
Winners of Regional Football Shield.
Provided expertise at National, Regional and County level including:
- Ass Chief Commissioners
- National Commissioners
- National Chairman
- Members of National Programme Team
- Members of National Event Teams
The leaders and Committees have down through the years been awarded every Adult award given by the former and current association.
The Chairman of the European Scout Committee is a former Cub Scout Leader-Therese Birmingham (Brannock). This point up both the calibre and commitment of the group to Scouting.
The trop now have a state of the art Den which is in constant use by scouts from all over the country and indeed Scouts form many other countries,