Pioneer Total Abstinence Association
Website www.pioneertotal.ie
Saint Jude's Pioneer centre was reaffiliated in Autumn 2002 after a lapse of some years. We endeavour to continue to bring the message of temperance to all in our parish. Fr James Cullen S.J founded the Association in 1899 to address the problem of alcohol abuse. Pioneers decide to forgo the enjoyment of moderate drinking to help those who suffer from alcohol addiction. We say a short prayer to the Sacred Heart twice daily to help those who can't control their drinking and wear the emblem of the association publicly. We have some fine Young Pioneers in our parish who choose to abstain from alcoholic drink until at least 18 and keep off illicit drugs for life. To continue our involvement with our young members we need support from more pioneers, parents or anyone who is concerned at the level of alcohol abuse today. We can be contacted through the parish office.