The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is a Religious Education Programme for children Age 4 - 12 yrs. Religious education classes take place in the Parish Centre each
Thursday from 1.45 -2.45 pm for Infant class children and from 2.45 - 4.00pm for the older children. Classes begin in September and continue through to May each year.
Children learn about the Mass and the life of Jesus, through presentations using specially prepared materials. The catechesis is rooted in stories from the Bible and the
teachings of the Catholic Church. It inspires a strong moral formation at an early age. Children who are attending the course really enjoy the experience of knowing
Jesus better. This experience is expressed through Art & Song.
The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is now in its fourth year in the Parish.
Contact/further information may be made with Jo Culhane @ joculhane@hotmail.com